As you may know, one way credit card companies make money is through the fees they charge a business every time a credit card is used to buy something. In an attempt to cover the costs of these fees, some businesses will raise their prices. Not The Front Climbing Club!
But, we are asking all of you EFT members for a favor. If your account currently bills a credit or debit card, would you be willing to have it bill a checking account or savings account instead?
In return for this favor, we'll give you a $10 credit at The Front Mart. Use it to buy beverages or snacks, or use it toward the already discounted prices on climbing shoes, crashpads, clothing, and packs!
If your account already bills a checking account, we'll give you a $10 credit at The Front Mart for helping us keep costs down!
In order to get your $10 Front Mart credit, email sandy (at) frontslc (dot) com with:
- Your name
- Your bank's name and routing number (the first set of digits at the bottom of a check)
- The account number of the checking or savings account you'd like to be billed
- If your account already bills a checking account, tell us your name and that your account already bills a checking or savings account
Once we receive the info, we'll make note of the $10 Front Mart credit on your membership account and send you an email confirming that we got your info.
When you're ready to redeem your credit, just let the front desk staff know at the time of your purchase.
And! We have a shipment of Evolv Pontas, one of Sharma's Signature Series shoes, on the way to The Front (should be here by April 6), plus more of the super versatile Evolv Defy. So, update your billing info and score some shoes at a super low price!
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